Effects Of Dry Mouth | What Is Dry Mouth?
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What Are The Long Term Effects Of Dry Mouth (Xerostomia)?

Page_whatarethelongtermeffectsofdrymouth1Dry mouth can be very uncomfortable, but it is still very common for people to ignore their symptoms and simply try to ‘live with it’. In fact, an estimated 26% of all seniors over 60 in the US have Xerostomia symptoms.

The problem is that severe dry mouth (Xerostomia) leads to dire health risks when left untreated. The severity of your dry mouth largely determines how quickly serious problems are likely to develop.

Dry mouth is a serious health concern?

By extension, yes… untreated Xerostomia leads to poor oral health, which causes infections to develop and degrades your immune system. This can lead to a host of life-threatening cardiopulmonary conditions, among other risks.

What’s more, chronic dry mouth robs oral tissues of the lubrication and protection provided by saliva; putting sensitive oral tissues at risk during even routine tasks like eating and brushing teeth. Prolonged reduction of saliva flow will also result oxidative stress, which is becoming increasingly linked to oral cancer.

Read about the important research linking xerostomia and oxidative stress to oral cancer

And these are just the extreme worst cases… even the ‘minor’ consequences are extremely undesirable.

Page_whatarethelongtermeffectsofdrymouth2A lack of saliva robs your oral tissues of the natural healing properties of antioxidants as well as the lubrication that makes it possible to chew, swallow and speak normally.

Without the protection of antioxidants, your gums are left defenseless against gingivitis and other periodontal disease. Gums recede from teeth, allowing plaque to build up quickly; in turn causing tooth decay and gum disease. Tooth decay and gum disease expose you to bacterial and fungal infections, which develop into very serious conditions over time.

If Xerostomia goes untreated, you may experience discomfort due to:
Sensitive Teeth & Gums Difficulty Eating Oral Inflammation
Loss of Appetite Atphous Ulcers (Canker Sores) Difficulty Speaking
Mucositis Bacterial Infection Enamel Demineralization
Fungal Infection Tooth Decay & Loss Periodontal Disease

Not to mention the psychological impact of the persistent discomfort, embarassment. Withdrawing from friends and loved ones due to depression can be dangerous as any of these effects.

The Tragedy Is That People Suffer Needlessly...

It’s unfortunate that anyone endures pain and health risks from a condition that can be controlled through healthy habits and, in some cases, medical assistance. Unfortunately, “curing” Xerostomia is only possible by treating the underlying contributing causes.

Don’t worry…you can get relief from dry mouth symptoms.

Good healthy daily practices are your greatest defense against the discomfort of dry mouth. Stay as hydrated, avoid caffeine, alcohol and tobacco products and breathing through your mouth whenever possible.

Find out more ways to get short-term relief from Xerostomia

Understanding the chemistry behind dry mouth can help prevent it.

Page_whatarethelongtermeffectsofdrymouth3Free radicals from the food and drinks we consume, tobacco and alcohol products and the environment around us cause damage to oral tissues over time.

Normally, saliva carries antioxidants which repair the damage cause by free radicals. In Xerostomia patients, the saliva flow is decreased and oral tissues are robbed of the natural healing properties of antioxidants.

Boosting antioxidants in oral tissues directly treats dry mouth symptoms

Antioxidants repair damaged tissues at a molecular level, replacing electrons in oxygen molecules, reversing the effects of free radicals. If left untreated, damage from free radicals in oral tissues manifests over time as gum disease. Gum disease precedes tooth decay and infection. Infection leads to systemic health problems.

Saliva acts as a lubricant, but more importantly, transports antioxidants to damaged oral tissues. Dry mouth impedes this process, but can be dealt with through hydration and consuming (or applying externally) an additional supply of antioxidants.

Learn more about the benefits of salivary antioxidants for Xerostomia patients